How to make Canon DSLR autofocus suck less
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

After being frustrated by the brutal two-step dance to set the autofocus point on my Canon EOS 40D DSLR (and pretty much every other Canon DSLR I checked), I thought that there was no hope in sight. If you look up focus point selection in the manual, it always just shows the "normal" two-button sequence, which I consider to be inferior to Nikon's "just use the joystick to move the focus point while you're shooting" method. In the end, a lucky search brought me to this blog post by Duncan Davidson that points out the presence of a custom function in Canon DSLRs to change this behavior. Darn... I read my manual from front to back and never clued in that this is what the custom function actually does, or I was happy with the Canon behavior at the time and didn't process the information.
Anyway, on the 40D, it is custom function III-3, but it varies by camera model (see Duncan Davidson's post for some of them):
Choosing "Multi-controller direct" allows me to change autofocus points immediately while I'm shooting -- what I want. I think that the behavior is still subtly different from Nikon cameras, but it works...

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